Soham Village College wants to make sure that our students are equipped for life post 16. In addition to academic qualifications, a comprehensive programme of personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) is delivered throughout their time at SVC to help our students meet the challenges of growing up in the 21st century. Relationships and sex education forms part of the PSHE curriculum.
PSHE equips students to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives. It encourages them to be enterprising and supports them in making effective transitions, positive career choices and achieving personal wellbeing. Example topics include:
- Healthy lifestyles on and off line (year 7)
- Peer pressure (Year 7)
- Racism (Year 8)
- Stress (Year 8)
- Refugees (Year 9)
- Consent (Year 9)
- Gender and sexuality (all years)
An important aspect of PSHE is providing opportunities for students to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes, to understand what influences their own decisions, and to explore the complex and often contradictory range of values and attitudes they encounter both now and in the future. Crucially, we want our students to leave Soham Village College with a deeper understanding of themselves, accepting of the differences found in others and with the ability to form and maintain healthy and happy relationships which have a positive impact on themselves, on others and on society as a whole.
For more information about the PSHE curriculum at SVC, including school wide drop down days and the teaching of relationships and sex, please download the overview document,
If you have any questions, please contact Mr Heaney: