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Why Choose Drama?

students performing in drama.Drama fundamentally asks candidates to think of themselves as ‘Theatre makers.’  We’d like students to start thinking like this from the start of Year 7 onwards.  We aim for our students to become more creative, imaginative and resilient as a result of experiencing the subject. In doing so, we aim to promote the valuable socialising nature of drama, its positive impact upon self-esteem and the development of confidence when working on one’s own or as part of a team.

Experience of a variety of theatre practitioners, theatrical genres and extra-curricular opportunities all allow our students to benefit from studying drama and encourage them to be creative with depth, confidence and imagination. As a consequence, we’d like to inspire our students to consider a career in the performing alongside gaining a cultural appreciation of the history and development of theatre.

In order to succeed students will develop valuable group work skills, having the ability to negotiate as well as leading and following in a group setting.  These interpersonal skills underpin the successes we enjoy at GCSE but also allow all students at KS3 to deepen their communication skills and collaborative experience.  These transferable skills will help our students to develop personally as well as socially.

If you would like any further information about the curriculum please contact the Head of Department.

Further information about our drama curriculum can be found in the links to the right.