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GCSE - Mathematics

Why study maths?

Studying GCSE maths at Soham Village College provides students with the knowledge and skills to think analytically and have better reasoning abilities.  These can be used to think critically about the world around us and help solve problems by looking for solutions.  In lessons this is seen by developing good communication and problem solving skills in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts.

Achieving well in maths at GCSE opens up opportunities and is highly regarded by sixth form colleges and employers. Maths provides a good foundation for many A-Level subjects and is often required to study subjects such as Business or the Sciences. Maths can lead to a wide range of careers such as engineer, architect, doctor, software programmer, accountant and meteorologist.

Foundation & Higher Course

Click the logo or link below if you would like to view the full course specification from the Exam Board website

Exam Board Qualification Specification

GCSE Mathematics 9 to 1 1MA1

GCSE Specification 9-1

Grades Assessments
Grades 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4
Paper 1 (33.3%)
Grades 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Paper 2 (33.3%)

Paper 3 (33.3%)

The table below is a breakdown of the units studied at GCSE and the format of the assessments