Behaviour & Attendance
We aim to report on students' attitude to learning and behaviour every lesson where possible. Approximately 98% of points recorded are positive because of the hard work students put in each hour of the day.
Behaviour Point Explanation
Students are awarded a +1 if they behave well, have a good attitude and get on with their work.
Students are awarded a +2 if they do all of a +1 but are also a positive influence on the class and contribute to the progress of the whole class (participation, answering questions etc.).
Students are awarded a -1 if they don’t give their best effort or cause low level disruption.
There is also a +1 for completing homework and a -1 for not completing homework.
There are other categories outside of lessons where students can score points such as attending any extracurricular club or event, representing the school, going on school trips.
Students can also be given negative points if they don’t meet our high standards of behaviour at social time.
The points inform our rewards and sanctions and also feed into House competitions and celebrations. They are a great way of keeping in touch on a daily basis with how your child has got on during the day. On average, 98% of points given in a day are positive.
Students who acquire too many negative points in a day will usually be spoken to during the day and something put in place to help them address any problems. Over the term we monitor pupil points progress (PPP) by looking at the % of positive points a student has compared to the total positive and negative points they have been awarded so far. Students are made aware of this regularly and it helps to see which students are consistently working hard in every lesson and which students need more support.
Example behaviour summary: This student is clearly working very hard and participating well in their lessons; they deserve congratulation and recognition for their efforts. Their few negative behaviour points offer the chance for school and home to work together in supporting the child in making better decisions next time:
Go4Schools displays the student’s attendance to date, up to the day before:
If a student doesn’t meet the school’s expectations in lessons or social time, they may be given a detention. Some of these detentions will be recorded on Go4Schools such as B11 and S3 lunchtime detentions, as well as after-school detentions. Any after-school detentions will always be arranged with parents and carers in advance.